Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 01/2018

Fokussierte Sonografie des Schultergürtels

Interessenkonflikt: Keine angegeben


Dr. med. Andreas Betthäuser


Evangelisches Krankenhaus Alsterdorf

Elisabeth-Flügge-Straße 1

22337 Hamburg



1. Ackermann O, Sesia S, Berberich T et al.: Sonographic diagnostics of proximal humerus fractures in juveniles. Der Unfallchirurg 2010; 113: 839–42

2. Abdel-Rahman A, Rajasekaran S, Ashworth N: Ultrasound-guided shoulder girdle injections are more accurate and more effective than landmark-guided injections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med 2015; 49: 1042–9

3. Bdaiwi AH, Herrington L, Almangoush A, Mackenzie TA, Porter SB: Assesment of reliability of real time ultrasound scanning to measure the humeral head position in a number of glenohumeral joint positions. Physikal Therapy and Rehabilitation 2014; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.7243/2055–2386–1–1

4. Bloom JE, Rischin A, Johnston RV, Buchbinder R: Image-guided versus blind glucocorticoid injection for shoulder pain. The Cochrane Library 2012; DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009147.pub2

5. Borbas P, Kraus T, Clement H, Grechenig S, Weinberg AM, Heidari N: The influence of ultrasound guidance in the rate of success of acromioclavicular joint injection: an experimental study on human cadavers. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 2012; Dec.: 1694–7

6. Brunner U, Liem D, Boehle E et al.: AWMF-Leitlinien-Register Nr. 033/041, 2017

7. Tai-Yuan C, Adams CR, Burkhart SS: Use of preoperative three-dimensional computed tomography to quantify glenoid bone loss in shoulder instability. Arthroscopy 2008; 24: 376–82

8. Disini L, Boddu S, Cahir J, Marshall T, Toms A: Ultrasound measurement and grading of rotator cuff and shoulder joint disease in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a reliability study. Ultrasound 2012; 8: 142–8

9. Grechenig W, Clement H, Fankhauser F, Mayr J, Fellinger M, Peicha G: Ultrasound diagnosis in shoulder trauma. Der Orthopade 2002; 31: 250–4

10. Gruson KI, Ruchelsman DE, Tejwani NC: Isolated tuberosity fractures of the proximal humerus: current concepts. Injury 2008; 39: 284–98

11. Haensel L, Üblacker P, Betthäuser A: Ultraschalldiagnostik in: Müller-Wohlfahrt HW, Ueblacker P, Hänsel L (Hrsg.): Muskelverletzungen im Sport. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag, 2014: 195–218

12. Hatta T, Giambini H, Uehara K et al.: Quantitative assessment of rotator cuff muscle elasticity: Reliability and feasibility of shear wave elastography. Journal of Biomechanics 2015; 48: 3853–8

13. Hedtmann A, Fett H: Ultrasonography of the shoulder in subacromial syndromes with disorders and injuries of the rotator cuff. Der Orthopade 1995; 24: 498–508

14. Koppenhaver S, Harris D, Harris A: The reliability of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging in the measurement of infraspinatus muscle function in the symptomatic and asymptomatic shoulders of patients with unilateral shoulder impingement syndrome. International journal of sports physical therapy 2015; 10: 128

15. Löffler L: Ultraschalldiagnostik am Bewegungsapparat. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1989

16. Löffler L, Betthäuser A: Sonographische Diagnostik des Subakromialraums. Obere Extremität 2007; 2: 47–56

17. Mall NA, Tanaka M J, Choi LS, Paletta J: Factors affecting rotator cuff healing. JBJS 2014; 96: 778–88

18. McCreesh K, Anjum S, Crotty J, Lewis J: SAT0422 Increased Supraspinatus Thickness with Reduced Acromiohumeral Distance in People with Mild and Moderate Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Reliability and Comparative Study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2013; 72: A725

19. Raeissadat SA, Rayegani SM, Langroudi TF, Khoiniha M: Comparing the accuracy and efficacy of ultrasound-guided versus blind injections of steroid in the glenohumeral joint in patients with shoulder adhesive capsulitis. Clinical rheumatology 2017; 36: 933–940

20. Rockwood CA Jr: Injuries to the acromioclavicular joint. In: Rockwood CA Jr, Green DP (Hrsg.): Fractures in adults. Vol. 1, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1984: 860–910

21. Sattler H: Zum Stellenwert der Arthrosonographie der Schulter in der rheumatologischen Diagnostik. Untersuchungstechnik, Befunde und ihre Interpretation. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 1993; 52: 90–6

22. Schmidt WA, Schicke B, Krause A: Schultergelenkerguss: Welcher Ultraschallschnitt ist der beste? Ultraschall in der Medizin, European Journal of Ultrasound 2008; 29: S 05: 250–5

23. Simão MN, Nogueira-Barbosa MH, Muglia VF, Barbieri CH: Anterior shoulder instability: correlation between magnetic resonance arthrography, ultrasound arthrography and intraoperative findings. Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2012; 38: 551–60

24. Young AA et al.: Secondary rotator cuff dysfunction following total shoulder arthroplasty for primary glenohumeral osteoarthritis: results of a multicenter study with more than five years of follow-up. JBJS 2012; 94: 685–93

25. Zumstein MA, Schiessl P, Ambuehl B et al.: New quantitative radiographic parameters for vertical and horizontal instability in acromioclavicular joint dislocations. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2017; 25: 1–11


1 Schulter-Zentrum, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Alsterdorf, Hamburg, Kursleiter Stufe III DEGUM, Bewegungsorgane und Säuglingshüfte; Fachbeisitzer,
Prüfer der Ärztekammer Hamburg

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