Originalarbeiten - OUP 04/2013

Arthroskopische Schulterchirurgie – Ergebnisse und Probleme mit bioresorbierbaren Fadenankern

29. Alan Barber F, Herbert MA, Hapa O, Rapley JH, Barber CAK, Bynum JA et al. Biomechanical analysis of pullout strengths of rotator cuff and glenoid anchors: 2011 update. Arthroscopy: The journal of arthroscopic & related surgery: Official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. 2011; 27: 895–905.

30. Barber FA, Herbert MA, Beavis RC, Barrera Oro F. Suture anchor materials, eyelets, and designs: update 2008. Arthroscopy: The journal of arthroscopic & related surgery: Official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. 2008; 24: 859–867.

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Schulthess Klinik Zürich, Leiter: Dr. med. Hans-Kaspar Schwyzer

Sportklinik Stuttgart, Leiter Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Bauer

Olgahospital Stuttgart, Leiter: Prof. Dr. Wirth

Diakonissenkrankenhaus Stuttgart, Leiter: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Aldinger

DOI 10.3238/oup.2013.0191–0195

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