Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 05/2016

Leitsymptome in der Rheumatologie

8. Tarner IH, Albrecht K, Fleck M et al.. Evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zum Management einer undifferenzierten peripheren entzündlichen Arthritis (UPIA). Z Rheumatol 2014; 73: 363–373

9. Sieper J et al.: New criteria for inflammatory back pain in patients with chronic back pain: a real patient exercise by experts from the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS). Ann Rheum Dis 2009; 68: 784–788

10. Rudwalait M et al.: The development of Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international society classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis (part II): validation and final selection. Ann Rheuma Dis 2009; 68: 777–783

11. ßChoy E, Ganeshalingam K, Semb AG, Szekanecz Z, Nurmohamed M: Cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis: recent advances in the understanding of the pivotal role of inflammation, risk predictors and the impact of treatment. Rheumatology. 2014; 53: 2143–2154


1 ATOS Klinik Heidelberg, Zentrum für Rheumatologie

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