Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 05/2016

Operationsverfahren bei rheumatisch bedingten Pathologien der Hand und des Handgelenks

Die Ruptur der FDP-Sehne ist generell schwieriger zu therapieren. Bei sehr distalen Rupturen ist evtl. eine Reinsertion möglich, alternativ bleibt die Kapsulodese oder Arthrodese des DIP-Gelenks.

Bei kombinierten Rupturen beider Beugesehnen stehen prinzipiell 2 Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Die Kombination der Endgelenkarthrodese mit der Reinsertion einer der beiden Flexoren in die Mittelgliedbasis oder die 2-zeitige Sehnenrekonstruktion.

Interessenkonflikt: Keine angegeben


Dr. med. Thomas Geyer

ATOS Praxisklinik Heidelberg

Praxis für Hand-, Ellenbogen-
und Fußchirurgie

Bismarckstraße 9–15

69115 Heidelberg



1. Longo UM, Petrillo S, Denaro V: Current concepts in the management of rheumatoid hand. International Journal of Rheumatology 2015: 1–5

2. Tami I, Marks M, Schindele SF: Hand surgery for rheumatoid arthritis in light of modern basic therapy. Obere Extremität 2011; 6: 240–45

3. Chim HW, Reese SK, Toomey SN, Moran SL: Update on the surgical treatment for rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist and hand. Journal of Hand Therapy 2014; 27: 134–41

4. Henninger M, Rehart S: Operative Therapie an der rheumatischen Hand. Orthopädische und Unfallchirurgische Praxis OUP 2014; 9: 401–6

5. Waljee JF, Chung KC: Outcomes research in rheumatoid arthritis. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 115–26

6. Anderson RJ: Controversy in the surgical treatment of the rheumatoid hand. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 21–25

7. Wilgis EFS: Controversy in the treatment of the rheumatoid hand: perspective from hand surgery. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 27–30

8. Jung-Hua Hsueh J-H, Liu WC, Yang, KC et al.: Spontaneous extensor tendon rupture in the rheumatoid wrist: risk factors and preventive role of extended tenosynovectomy. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2016; 76 Suppl 1: 41–47

9. Lautenbach M, Zach A, Berndsen M et al.: Synovialitis and rupture of the tendons at the hand at patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Obere Extremität 2011; 6: 256–66

10. Chung US, Kim JH, Seo WS et al.: Tendon transfer or tendon graft for ruptured finger extensor tendons in rheumatoid hands. The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume 2010; 35: 279–82

11. Murray PM: Current concepts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the distal radioulnar joint. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 49–55

12. Berndsen M, Garanin G, Lautenbach M: Endoprosthetics for the rheumatoid hand. Obere Extremität 2011; 6: 246–52

13. Ramsauer T: Arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis. Obere Extremität 2011; 6: 253–55

14. Cavaliere CM, Chung KC: A systematic review of total wrist arthroplasty compared with total wrist arthrodesis for rheumatoid arthritis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2008; 122: 813–25

15. Strunk S, Bracker W: Wrist joint arthroplasty: results after 41 protheses. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2009; 41: 141–47

16. Gaulke R, Suppelna G, Hildebrand F et al.: Radiolunate fusion in the rheumatoid wrist with shapiro staples: clinical and radiological results of 22 cases. The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume 2010; 35: 289–95

17. Burgess SD, Kono M, Stern PJ: Results of revision metacarpophalangeal joint surgery in rheumatoid patients following previous silicone arthroplasty. Journal of Hand Surgery 2007; 32: 1506–12

18. Goldfarb CA, Dovan TT: Rheumatoid arthritis: silicone metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty. Indications, technique, and outcomes. Hand Clinics 2006; 22: 177–82

19. Burke FD: The rheumatoid metacarpophalangeal joint. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 79–86

20. Kozlow JH, Chung KC: Current concepts in the surgical management of rheumatoid and osteoarthritic hands and wrists. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 31–41

21. Ono S, Entezami P, Chung KC: Reconstruction of the rheumatoid hand. Clinics in Plastic Surgery 2011; 38: 713–27

22. Sebastin SJ, Chung KC: Reconstruction of digital Deformities in rheumatoid arthritis. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 87–104

23. Linscheid RL: Implant arthroplasty of the hand: retrospective and prospective considerations. Yjhsu 2000; 25: 796–816

24. Schmidt I: Surgical treatment options in thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: a recent literature overview searching for practice pattern with special focus on total joint replacement. Current Rheumatology Reviews 2015; 11: 1–8

25. Dyer GSM, Simmons BP: Rheumatoid thumb. Hand Clinics 2011; 27: 73–77


1 ATOS Praxisklinik Heidelberg, Praxis für Hand-, Ellenbogen- und Fußchirurgie

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