Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 07-08/2016

Klumpfußbehandlung in der täglichen Praxis – ist Ponseti alternativlos?

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39. Janicki J, Narayanan U, Harvey B et al.: Treatment of neuromuscular and syndrome-associated (non-idiopathic) clubfeet using the Ponseti method. J Pediatr Orthop 2009; 29: 393–397

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41. Matar H, Beirne P, Garg N: The effectiveness of the Ponseti method for treating clubfoot associated with arthrogryposis: up to 8 years follow-up. J Child Orthop 2016; 10: 15–18

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50. Sala DA, Chu A, Lehman WB et al.: Achievement of gross motor milestones in children with idiopathic clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. J Pediatr Orthop 2013; 33: 55–58


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