Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 07/2019

Hüftarthoskopie zur Impingementbehandlung bei niedrig- bis mittelgradiger Hüftarthrose
Inwieweit können wir Empfehlungen aussprechen?

10. Clohisy JC, Knaus ER, Hunt DM, Lesher JM, Harris-Hayes M, Prather H: Clinical presentation of patients with symptomatic anterior hip impingement. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2009; 467: 638–44

11. Clohisy JC, St John LC, Schutz AL: Surgical treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review of the literature. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010; 468: 555–64

12. Domb BG, Chaharbakhshi EO, Rybalko D, Close MR, Litrenta J, Perets I: Outcomes of hip arthroscopic surgery in patients with Tönnis grade 1 osteoarthritis at a minimum 5-year follow-up: a matched-pair comparison with a Tönnis grade 0 control group. Am J Sports Med 2017; 45: 2294–302

13. Domb BG, Gui C, Lodhia P: How much arthritis is too much for hip arthroscopy: a systematic review. Arthroscopy 2015; 31: 520–9

14. Dooley PJ: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: nonarthritic hip pain in young adults. Can Fam Physician 2008; 54: 42–7

15. Frank JM, Harris JD, Erickson BJ et al.: Prevalence of femoroacetabular impingement imaging findings in asymptomatic volunteers: a systematic review. Arthroscopy 2015; 31: 1199–204

16. Fontana A, de Girolamo L: Sustained five-year benefit of autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis for femoral acetabular impingement-induced chondral lesions compared with microfracture treatment. Bone Joint J 2015; 97: 628–35

17. Ganz R, Leunig M, Leunig-Ganz K, Harris WH. The etiology of osteoarthritis of the hip: an integrated mechanical concept. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2008; 466: 264–72

18. Ganz R, Parvizi J, Beck M, Leunig M, Nötzli H, Siebenrock KA: Femoroacetabular impingement: a cause for osteoarthritis of the hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2003; 417: 112–20

19. Gicquel T, Gédouin JE, Krantz N et al.: Function and osteoarthritis progression after arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a prospective study after a mean follow-up of 4.6 (4.2–5.5) years. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2014; 100: 651–6

20. Gosvig KK, Jacobsen S, Sonne-Home S, Palm H, Troelsen A: Prevalence of malformations of the hip joint and their relationship to sex, groin pain, and risk of osteoarthritis: a population-based survey. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010; 92: 1162–9

21. Hananouchi T, Yasui Y, Yamamoto K, Toritsuka Y, Ohzono K: Anterior impingement test for labral lesions has high positive predictive value. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2012; 470: 3524–9

22. Harris JD, Erickson BJ, Bush-Joseph CA, Nho SJ: Treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2013; 6: 207–18

23. Harris WH: Etiology of osteoarthritis of the hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1986; 213: 20–33

24. Haviv B, O‘Donnell J: The incidence of total hip arthroplasty after hip arthroscopy in osteoarthritic patients. Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol 2010; 2: 18

25. Horisberger M, Brunner A, Herzog RF: Arthroscopic treatment of femoral acetabular impingement in patients with preoperative generalized degenerative changes. Arthroscopy 2010; 26: 623–9

26. Kellgren JH, Lawrence JS: Radiological assessment of osteo-arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1957; 16: 494–502

27. Kelly BT1, Weiland DE, Schenker ML, Philippon MJ: Arthroscopic labral repair in the hip: surgical technique and review of the literature. Arthroscopy 2005; 21: 1496–504

28. Körsmeier K, Claßen T, Kamminga M, Rekowski J, Jäger M, Landgraeber S: Arthroscopic three-dimensional autologous chondrocyte transplantation using spheroids for the treatment of full-thickness cartilage defects of the hip joint. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2016; 24: 2032–7

29. Kowalczuk M, Yeung M, Simunovic N, Ayeni OR: Does femoroacetabular impingement contribute to the development of hip osteoarthritis? A systematic review. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2015; 23: 174–9

30. Lahner M, Mußhoff D, von Schulze Pellengahr C et al.: Is the Kinect system suitable for evaluation of the hip joint range of motion and as a screening tool for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)? Technol Health Care 2015; 23: 75–81

31. Lee JW, Hwang DS, Kang C, Hwang JM, Chung HJ: Arthroscopic repair of acetabular labral tears associated with femoroacetabular impingement: 7–10 years of long-term follow-up results. Clin Orthop Surg 2019; 11: 28–35

32. Leunig M, Beaulé PE, Ganz R: The concept of femoroacetabular impingment: current status and future perspectives. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2009; 467: 616–22

33. Leunig M, Ganz R: Femoroacetabular impingement. A common cause of hip complaints leading to arthrosis. Unfallchirurg 2005; 108: 9–10, 12–17

34. Leunig, M, Ganz, R: Pathophysiologie und chirurgische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten des femoroazetabulären Impingements (FAI). Manuelle Therapie 2012; 16: 111–8

35. Lund B, Mygind-Klavsen B, Grønbech Nielsen T et al.: Danish Hip Arthroscopy Registry (DHAR): the outcome of patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). J Hip Preserv Surg 2017; 4: 170–7

36. Lung R, O’Brien J, Grebenyuk J et al.: The prevalence of radiographic femoroacetabular impingement in younger individuals undergoing total hip replacement for osteoarthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2012; 31: 1239–42

37. Mancini D, Fontana A: Five-year results of arthroscopic techniques for the treatment of acetabular chondral lesions in femoroacetabular impingement. Int Orthop 2014; 38: 2057–64

38. Martin HD: Clinical examination of the hip. Oper Tech Orthop 2005; 15: 177–81

39. Martin HD, Palmer IJ: History and physical examination of the hip: the basics. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2013; 6: 219–25

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