Originalarbeiten - OUP 11/2013

Sport nach medialem unikondylärem Oberflächenersatz mit der Oxford-III-Prothese
Was können wir erreichen?What can we expect?

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19. Saragaglia D, Estour G, Nemer C, Colle PE. Revision of 33 unicompartmental knee prostheses using total knee arthroplasty: strategy and results. Int Orthop 2009; 33: 969–974

20. Sperner G, Wanitschek P, Benedetto KP, Glotzer W. [Late results in patellar fracture]. Aktuelle Traumatol 1990, 20: 24–28

21. Stukenborg-Colsman C, Wirth CJ, Lazovic D, Wefer A. High tibial osteotomy versus unicompartmental joint replacement in unicompartmental knee joint osteoarthritis: 7–10-year follow-up prospective randomised study. Knee 2001; 8: 187–194

22. Swanson EA, Schmalzried TP, Dorey FJ. Activity recommendations after total hip and knee arthroplasty: a survey of the American Association for Hip and Knee Surgeons. J Arthroplasty 2009; 24 (6 Suppl): 120–126

23. Vorlat P, Putzeys G, Cottenie D et al. The Oxford unicompartmental knee prosthesis: an independent 10-year survival analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2006; 14: 40–45

24. Walton NP, Jahromi I, Lewis PL, Dobson PJ, Angel KR, Campbell DG. Patient-perceived outcomes and return to sport and work: TKA versus mini-incision unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. J Knee Surg 2006; 19 : 112–116

25. Zahiri CA, Schmalzried TP, Szuszczewicz ES, Amstutz HC. Assessing activity in joint replacement patients. J Arthroplasty 1998, 13: 890–895


1 Orthopädische Klinik und Poliklinik, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München - Campus Großhadern, München

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