Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 04/2019

Heterotope Ossifikationen nach gelenknahen Frakturen
Klinische Bedeutung, aktueller Stand und Ausblick der Therapie

30. Pavlou G, Kyrkos M, Tsialogiannis E, Korres N, Tsiridis E: Pharmacological treatment of heterotopic ossification following hip surgery: an update. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2012; 13: 619–22

31. Perosky JE, Peterson JR, Eboda ON et al.: Early detection of heterotopic ossification using near-infrared optical imaging reveals dynamic turnover and progression of mineralization following Achilles tenotomy and burn injury. J Orthop Res 2014; 32: 1416–23

32. Peterson JR, Okagbare PI, De La Rosa S et al.: Early detection of burn induced heterotopic ossification using transcutaneous Raman spectroscopy. Bone 2013; 54: 28–34

33. Pistarini C, Carlevati S, Contardi A, Cannizzaro G: Use of ultrasonography methods in the diagnosis of neurogenic paraosteoarthropathy in spinal cord injury. Recenti Prog Med 1995; 86: 483–8

34. Potter BK, Burns TC, Lacap AP, Granville RR, Gajewski DA: Heterotopic ossification following traumatic and combat-related amputations: Prevalence, risk factors, and preliminary results of excision. J Bone Jt Surg – Ser A 2007; 89: 476–86

35. Rosteius T, Suero EM, Grasmücke D et al.: The sensitivity of ultrasound screening examination in detecting heterotopic ossification following spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2017; 55: 71–3

36. Shimono K, Tung WE, MacOlino C et al.: Potent inhibition of heterotopic ossification by nuclear retinoic acid receptor-? agonists. Nat Med 2011; 17: 454–60

37. Shimono K, Uchibe K, Kuboki T, Iwamoto M: The pathophysiology of heterotopic ossification: Current treatment considerations in dentistry. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 2014; 50: 1–8

38. Urist MR, Nakagawa M, Nakata N, Nogami H: Experimental myositis ossificans. Cartilage and bone formation in muscle in response to a diffusible bone matrix-derived morphogen. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1978; 102: 312–6

39. Williams IV JT, Southerland SS, Souza J, Calcutt AF, Cartledge RG: Cells isolated from adult human skeletal muscle capable of differentiating into multiple mesodermal phenotypes. Am Surg 1999; 65: 22–6

40. Zagarella A, Impellizzeri E, Maiolino R, Attolini R, Castoldi MC: Pelvic heterotopic ossification: When CT comes to the aid of MR imaging. Insights Imaging 2013; 4: 595–603

41. Zimmermann SM, Schwitter LW, Scheyerer MJ, Jentzsch T, Simmen HP, Werner CML: Prevention of heterotopic ossification: An experimental study using a plasma expander in a murine model. BMC Surg 2016; 16: 29


Fabian Hemm

Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH, Standort Gießen

Rudolf-Buchheim-Straße 7

35392 Gießen


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