Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 09/2016

Vorlieben und Zahlungsbereitschaft von Patienten bei der Behandlung von Kniegelenkarthrose*

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23. Fraenkel L, Suter L, Cunningham CE, Hawker G: Understanding preferences for disease-modifying drugs in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014; 66: 1186–1192

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28. Vignon E, Valat JP, Rossignol M et al.: Osteoarthritis of the knee and hip and activity: a systematic international review and synthesis (OASIS). Joint Bone Spine. 2006; 73: 442–455

29. Hauber AB, Arden NK, Mohamed AF, et al. A discrete-choice experiment of United Kingdom patients’ willingness to risk adverse events for improved function and pain control in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2013;21:289–297.

30. Wang Y, Hall S, Hanna F et al. Effects of Hylan G-F 20 supplementation on cartilage preservation detected by magnetic resonance imaging in osteoarthritis of the knee: a two-year single-blind clinical trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011; 12: 195

31. Pal S, Thuppal S, Reddy KJ et al.: Long-term (1-year) safety and efficacy of a single 6-mL injection of Hylan G-F 20 in Indian patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Open Rheumatol J. 2014; 8: 54–68

32. Balmaceda CM. Clinical trial data in support of changing guidelines in osteoarthritis treatment. J Pain Res. 2014; 7: 211–218


* Dieser Artikel wurde in der folgenden Dove-Press-Fachzeitschrift publiziert: Patient Preference and Adherence. 11. Juni 2015

1 Heron Commercialization, Parexel International, London (GB)

2 Reason Research, Philadelphia, PA (USA)

3 Sanofi Biosurgery, Oxford (GB)

4 Sanofi, Paris (Frankreich)

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